The project “Modena. Dwelling after the pandemic: the city in the neighbourhood”

The project “Modena. Abitare dopo la pandemia: la città nel quartiere” (Modena. Dwelling after the pandemic: the city in the neighbourhood) focuses on social housing as the main lever to regenerate an area of the city where conditions of physical and social degradation persist, where housing discomfort is particularly acute, to build a model of widespread condominium, made up of housing, spaces and neighbourhood services, redeveloped and put in relation with each other to improve the liveability and urban quality of the city, without new land consumption.

The project proposal aims to regenerate a large urban area in the north…


The strategy of the Metropolitan City of Milan for urban and territorial regeneration at the metropolitan scale has found an opportunity for implementation in the 3 proposals submitted for the National Innovative Program for Housing Quality (PINQuA) of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility.

The objective pursued is the creation of a network of 24 interventions oriented to the improvement of housing conditions and cohesion in metropolitan neighborhoods, the construction of resilient communities and inclusive and sustainable development of the territory, with particular attention to environmental and energy aspects, developed through a coordinated and shared process with metropolitan municipalities.


Treviso, San Liberale: Inhabited Park

The experience of Treviso concerns an important administrative goal resulting from the participation in the ministerial call for applications on the “Quality of Living” that will allow the redevelopment of some areas not integrated with the current urban development. This need has become even more urgent after the pandemic period that we have experienced and that we are still facing.

The project proposal presented, in collaboration with A.T.E.R., has taken the opportunity to operate the urban and social regeneration in the district of San Liberale, which today needs a reconnection with the surrounding areas and the historical center.

The project called…

“HUBitare. Inclusive and sustainable living village”

The idea of the project is based on combining past and future, architectural quality and environmental sustainability to regenerate an abandoned industrial site and transform it into a new multifunctional settlement pole able to give a new centrality to the whole area, in accordance with the objective of reconnecting a fragmented urban fabric, while keeping high environmental standards and bringing benefits in synergy with other interventions, such as the new Hospital Centre, under construction in the district.

Hubitare consists of the construction of a new housing settlement of social housing which will be accompanied by interventions aimed at providing the…

Territorial regeneration for the metropolitan area of Bologna

There are three proposals submitted by the metropolitan city of Bologna to the National Innovative Program for the Quality of Living (PINQUA) and admitted to funding for about € 45 million, developed on the territory of three Unions of Municipalities for a total of 27 interventions, between the flatlands and the Apennines. The proposals are linked by a unitary metropolitan strategy built around a broad definition of the concepts of housing and regeneration that enhances the territorial and metropolitan dimension, allowing to decline a concept of ‘periphery’ not limited to large urban areas, but which, on the contrary, includes…

Regeneration of the North urban quadrant – Railway gate of the city of IMOLA

The train station “PORTA DELLA CITTA” (CITY GATE), is a fundamental node in the regeneration program of the abandoned industrial areas and of the freight yard that has lost its function. The development of intermodality train+bike+TPL improves accessibility to the city center and the potential attractiveness of the areas located along the railway line.

This is the starting point for the regeneration project of the North Railway urban quadrant with a new centrality in the strategic planning system of the City of Imola, which identifies the abandoned industrial areas along the railway as a source of areas to be reconverted…

RIABITARE GROSSETO (INHABIT GROSSETO AGAIN) the way of identity and innovation

The PINQuA proposal of Grosseto is characterized by a rigorous strategy in meeting the requirements of the Ministerial Decree, but also socially useful for the clarity of the objectives assumed by the Administration. An initiative that amounts to about 29.3 million euros of public-private investment, able to connect the periphery of Via De’ Barberi with the historic center, “inner periphery” marked by phenomena of depopulation and socio-economic poverty; a project that promotes urban innovation in the identity context of the city according to a design fil rouge that works on the two peripheries and joins them in a single…


The urban regeneration project of the urban center of Calenzano is part of the proposal called “Nuove Ca.Se.” that the Tuscany Region, as an entity aggregating intervention strategies coordinated with the municipalities of Calenzano and Sesto Fiorentino, presented on the PINQUA call in March 2021 and was admitted to the national funding.

The regeneration begins with the objective of defining a new urban centrality, as a place in which to achieve integration between housing, social, cultural and economic functions, through a new architectural quality starting from public buildings. These regenerative actions are easily feasible due to the presence, within the…

The fil rouge of the urban regeneration of Andria: the landfill of the railway and the three new stations

The three projects, located in the urban areas of the stations, aim at the quality of living in the city, reconnecting the two fronts determined by the trench, under construction, overlaying or under-crossing the railway in several points designed for viability, bicycle and pedestrian paths, squares, public spaces, green areas, requalifying central and peripheral areas, ensuring the provision of housing, intermodality, walkability, cycling.

ARIA-Sustainable housing, Urban redevelopment, Infrastructure, Green areas -Andria North

WATER-Sustainable housing, Unions, Urban Quality, Green Areas -Andria Central

EARTH-Sustainable building transformations, Rurality, Renaturalization, Green areas-Andria South

Common objectives:

  • Increasing the availability of social housing with new subsidized housing, recovery of…

PINQua: the projects of the National Innovative Housing Quality Program

Stefano Stanghellini, honorary President INU

In the framework of urban regeneration and public-private partnership, Urbanpromo presents the projects that stand out in the national panorama for the strong innovative character of their approaches and contents.
The initiative is configured as an important opportunity for presentation and discussion on PINQua: the projects of the National Innovative Housing Quality Program. Among the proposals eligible for state funding, a selection of projects will be presented that pursue urban regeneration, reduce housing poverty and promote social inclusion. The comparative analysis aims to highlight and enhance the specific content of each, the possibilities for integration…