Urbanpromo 2022 takes place at Cascina Fossata in Turin, a place that due to its history and design is an iconic representation of the event itself, which this year has four themes: “Urbanpromo City,” “Urbanpromo Social Housing,” “Urbanpromo Green,” and “Urbanpromo Digital.”

Cascina Fossata is located between Borgo Vittoria and Madonna di Campagna neighborhoods, and it is the result of a project whose goal was to give back to the city a quality meeting space, capable of intercepting new living and social needs in a changing area.

In 2019 Cascina Fossata was turned back to the city, thanks to a social housing project promoted by Sharing srl and Investire SGR, manager of the Fondo Abitare Sostenibile Piemonte participated by Piedmontese banking foundations including Fondazione Sviluppo e Crescita CRT, Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione CRC and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Immobiliare SGR.

Cascina Fossata is a unique urban regeneration intervention that includes eight different types of uses. From the 105 affordable housing units of the Temporary Collective Residence and the Hospitality Center, to the 47 vegetable gardens granted for free use with an educational function. For neighborhood residents and visitors, Cascina Fossata offers two internal courtyards that constitute a new public park, safe and equipped with children’s games and an en plen air gymnasium, a newly opened restaurant, 3 rooms for meetings and conferences with reception and catering services, more than 1,000 square meters of space dedicated to the establishment of artisan workshops, a neighborhood supermarket and monthly farmers’ markets. Cascina Fossata’s spaces are also the location of educational and social promotion activities curated by the D.O.C. Cooperative.


The INU presidents to whom the Cascina Fossata rooms are named on the occasion of Urbanpromo 2022


Giovanni Astengo (1915 – 1990)

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Architect and university professor of urban planning, Gold Medal of Arts and Sciences of the Ministry of Research. He was honorary president of the INU from 1986 to 1990. He re-founded INU’s magazine Urbanistica in 1949, holding the position of editor-in-chief in 1952 and then director until 1977.


Giuseppe Campos Venuti (1926 – 2019)

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Honorary president of the INU since 1990 and effective President from 1992 to 1993. From 1968 to 2001 he taught urban planning in the Faculty of Architecture at the Politecnico di Milano. In 1999 he was awarded the Gold Medal for Science and Culture by the President of the Republic. He has held various political offices and edited numerous important publications.


Federico Oliva (1945 – 2018)

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President of INU from 2005 to 2013 and Director of Urbanistica magazine. He graduated in Architecture from the Politecnico di Milano in July 1969 and was Professor of Urban Planning at the same Politecnico. He is the author of numerous master plans and publications in the field of urban planning.

Edoardo Salzano (1930 – 2019)

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President of the INU from 1983 to 1991 and founded the magazine Urbanistica Informazioni, which he directed from 1972 to 1992. After graduating in Civil Engineering and Civil Engineering, in 1967 he obtained his first chair in Urban Planning. He has collaborated in the drafting of many master plans throughout Italy, also holding political offices.


Paolo Avarello (1948 – 2021)

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President of INU from 2001 to 2005 and General Secretary from 1992 to 1998. He has been director of the Urbanistica and Urbanistica Informazioni magazines. He has been full professor of Urban Planning at the University of Roma Tre since 1995. He has collaborated in the drafting of numerous regulatory plans and has been author of multiple publications in Urban Planning.


Gianluigi Nigro (1936 – 2012)

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President of INU from 1990 to 1992. After graduating in Architecture, he carried out an intense activity of design and consulting for the general urban planning in Italy and abroad. He has been scientific head of CNR research and author of several publications in the field of architecture and urban planning.