Filippo Magni Davide Longato, Università Iuav di Venezia – Planning & Climate Change LAB in collaboration with Fondazione Cariplo

Since the end of the last century, the concept of ecosystem services has gained increasing acceptance both in terms of the importance of their assessment and their integration into decision support for natural resource management and spatial planning. It has made it possible to overcome the idea that environmental protection and economic development represent discordant and competing interests.
The theme of ecosystem services and their evaluation, which until recently was the exclusive object of study of the scientific-academic sphere, is thus progressively establishing itself as a potential scientific and specialised cognitive tool aimed at supporting territorial government policies and the environmental dimensioning of the relative territorial transformations, although the integration of these themes into the reality of the decision-making process still remains a challenge.
In recent years, this challenge has been taken up by an increasing number of administrations at both the local and regional level, which have initiated collaborations with the academic world to promote the use and integration of scientific knowledge related to the concept of ecosystem services in support of decision-making and planning processes, promoting that science-policy interface so much desired when it comes to the management of environmental resources.
Through the presentation of some case studies, the session aims to stimulate discussion on the advantages of integrating ecosystem services in spatial planning and how this science-policy interface can be useful both to public administrations, to better direct their policies and strategies, and to the academic world, to test the application of scientific knowledge in real decision-making processes.

9:00 a.m. hall entrance

9:30 a.m. start of proceedings


Introduction by:
Filippo Magni, Researcher in Urban Technique and Planning, Università IUAV di Venezia


Davide Longato, Università IUAV di Venezia, Post-Doc Research Fellow
Eugenio Morello, Politecnico di Milano, Associate Professor
Grazia Brunetta, Politecnico di Torino, Full Professor
Maria Pia Turinetti Di Priero, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Director of Landscape, Territorial and Strategic Planning Service
Roberta Laghi, Provincia di Rimini, Director of the Urban Planning Sector, PTAV Plan Office
Paolo Siccardi, Fondazione Cariplo


Francesco Musco, Professor of Urban Planning and Technology, Università IUAV di Venezia (Research Director)
Andrea Arcidiacono, Associate Professor in Technique and Planning, Politecnico di Milano, INU – URBIT
