Since ten years, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti has been committed to promoting and supporting the development of private social housing, known as Social Housing, through a fund of funds, the Fondo Investimenti per l’Abitare (FIA), in which it is the reference investor (with 1 billion euro capital, equal to about 50% of the total endowment) and manager through its subsidiary CDP Immobiliare SGR. The FIA operates through an Integrated System of Funds (SIF): 29 local real estate funds, managed by 9 SGRs, whose reference investor is the FIA (with shares of between 33% and 80% of the total capital)…

PUG Modena 2050: the transition to the future of a city on the go

Ecological and digital transition, urban and environmental quality and local strategies to support the health and wellbeing of citizens, to address the critical issues of the territory: these were the starting points that guided the definition of the vision and elaboration of the new Plan. The WYP proposal, adopted by the Modena City Council and soon to be adopted, constitutes the frame for a compact, attractive, innovative and environmentally sustainable city and is made up of five components, whose circular and intersecting relationships constitute the necessary reference for the government of the territory.

Strategy, Discipline, Knowledge Framework, ValSAT and Constraints…

Regenerating Cities and Communities: Integrative Community Services for Social Housing Management

Experience a “leap in scale” of the collaborative system of the Social Housing initiatives towards the urban areas in which the initiatives themselves are located.

The Tuscany Region has promoted, through the Housing Toscano Fund, managed by InvestiRE Sgr and participated among others by the Investmenti per l’Abitare Fund managed by CDP Immobiliare Sgr, the development of supplementary community services that can accelerate the transition from residence to living by bridging the gap between housing and public space through the active participation of the inhabitants in the social and cultural life of our cities.

A first phase of analysis, conducted on…

Prato Carbon Neutral

The Municipality of Prato has been  selected by the European Commission among the 100 European cities that will participate in the mission “100 smart and climate-neutral cities by 2030”, the so-called “Cities Mission”.

In the two-year period 2022-23, the mission will be able to count on approximately 360 million euros of funding from the Horizon Europe program, to launch innovation paths to achieve climate neutrality by 2030 to launch innovation paths to achieve climate neutrality by 2030 to launch synergistic paths based on innovation with the aim of achieving climate neutrality and thanks to which different sectors will be able…


Filippo Magni Davide Longato, Università Iuav di Venezia – Planning & Climate Change LAB in collaboration with Fondazione Cariplo

Since the end of the last century, the concept of ecosystem services has gained increasing acceptance both in terms of the importance of their assessment and their integration into decision support for natural resource management and spatial planning. It has made it possible to overcome the idea that environmental protection and economic development represent discordant and competing interests.
The theme of ecosystem services and their evaluation, which until recently was the exclusive object of study of the scientific-academic sphere, is…