Ennio Nonni, INU – URBIT

Renewable Energy Communities (RECs) were introduced by Ministerial Decree 162/2019, when there was still no risk of going into crisis due to energy shortages, and prohibitive purchase costs and represent a means of stimulating groups of people to equip themselves with shared facilities for the production and self-consumption of energy from renewable sources.
A simple idea that prefigures the development of zero-kilometre energy and that, through the transposition of the European RED 11 Directive and PNRR funding, can significantly affect the achievement of energy autonomy; a local project dimension, in neighbourhoods but not only, with shared production and self-consumption plants.
The Emilia Romagna region recently approved law no. 5/2022 for the promotion of CERs and self-consumers acting collectively.While the path indicated suggests great interest, due to the social, environmental and economic benefits, it will be necessary to remove obstacles to encourage aggregation, access to financing, and the identification of spaces and project solutions.
In this thematic session, a plurality of actors present aspects of Energy Communities from different angles, in the hope that energy specificity will be grafted into the more varied quality of the urban fabric.

2:00 p.m. hall entrance

2:30 p.m. start of proceedings


Introduction by:
Ennio Nonni, INU – URBIT


1 ) “Exploding interest across the peninsula in RECs”.

“Renewable energy communities for a changing landscape”.
Enzo Scandurra, Sapienza University Rome

“Concrete transition to renewables: Renewable Energy Communities”.
Leonardo Setti, UNIBO, founder of Solar Communities and Cities

“A focus on common energy: a necessary path to sustainability” Luigi Di Marco, Alliance for Sustainable Development
Luigi Di Marco, Alliance for Sustainable Development ASVIS

“Public initiative as a driver for CERs in Friuli Venezia Giulia
Matteo Mazzolini, Director of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Energy Agency

2 ) “Actors in the field for Renewable Energy Communities”.

“Synergies. Development of Renewable Energy Communities with social impact”.
Sara Leporati, Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation – Turin

“Alternatives – promoting the diffusion of CERs for an alternative future to fossil fuels”.
Federico Beffa, Cariplo Foundation

“Support for CERs in the Cuneo area”.
Andrea Alfieri, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo

“The energy transition starts from the territories”.
Diego Finelli, Banca Etica Turin
Chiara Brogi, ènostra Cooperative

“From Naples a new social renewable energy community model: the experience of San Giovanni a Teduccio”
Valerio Cutolo, Fondazione con il Sud

Conclusions by;
Giovanni Fini, INU, Municipality of Cesena
