Denis Maragno, IUAV University of Venice, Roberto Malvezzi, CNR – DIITET, Giordana Castelli, CNR – DIITET, Stefano Stanghellini, INU – URBIT

The event explores the potential role of digital technologies understood as significant means for public administrations, businesses and research centers; thus, it is meant to be both in continuity with the last year edition of Urbanpromo Digital and to build up the investigation through 4 thematic areas:

  • Climate change and territorial impacts;
  • Agriculture, food, urban metabolism and ecosystem services;
  • Transports, mobility and services;
  • Innovative governance, participation and policy design.

The event will consist of 4 sessions, each of which will research one between the listed thematic areas. An arena of experts from Universities, Research Centers, Public Administrations, private and financial sectors will discuss the feasible applications and digital implications on these issues proceeding with an exploratory backbone composed by the following fields of investigation:

  1. needs, urgencies and criticalities;
  2. opportunities derived from digital technologies to face emerging challenges;
  3. financial aspects that are necessary for digital innovation;
  4. possible integrations between digital innovations with current governance and managerial models.

This homogeneous as well as analytical scheme will allow a direct comparison between the 4 areas, in attempt to highlight existing synergies, conflicts and opportunities. For the same purpose the event will also be the moment to take over the discussion that was first started by the CNR at the Expo-Dubai meeting ” Land-City- Sea scape intelligence” aimed at nurturing an interdisciplinary dialogue for the development of a Digital Twin for earth, city and sea at once.

Lastly, in order to ease the integration of results between the 4 thematic panels, the discussed topics will be synthesized in real time using visual communication techniques.

9:00 hall entrance

9:30 start of proceedings


First panel
Climate change, mitigation and monitoring

Introduction and coordination by:
Denis Maragno, Iuav University of Venice

Emilio Fortunato Campana, CNR
Francesco Falcieri, CNR
Antonio Leone, University of Salento
Piero Pelizzaro, Municipality of Bologna
Marta Ugolotti, Torino Urban Lab
Leonardo Boni, Politecnico di Milano
Enrico Eynard, Ithaca S.r.l.

Second panel
Agriculture, food, urban metabolism and ecosystem services

Introduction and moderation by
Andrea Arcidiacono, Politecnico di Milano, INU vice president

Alberto Battistelli, CNR
Angelo Basile, CNR
Damiano di Simine, Legambiente
Federica Benelli, Poliedra Politecnico of Milano
Giulia LucertiniIuav University of Venice

Visual Synthesis Design
Lucilla CalogeroIuav University of Venice
Laura Ferretto, Iuav University of Venice
