Maria Chiara Tosi, Maria Giulia Cantaluppi, Marta De Marchi, Università Iuav di Venezia

Just over a year after the signing of the North Venice Lagoon Wetland Area Contract, a comparison of active and signed Wetland Area Contracts in the North Adriatic coast is urgently needed to present and coordinate their respective purposes, characteristics and actions. What tools and governance models adopted are working? How to proceed with the implementation of Action Programs and relationships between signatories and Contracts covering the same territory? How to bring out an “ecopolitical science” that takes into account the law of nature by moving out of the “protective” or speculative dynamic?

Spokespersons for the Lagoon Contracts of Caorle, Merano, Istria, the Northern Lagoon of Venice, and the Venetian Coast, together with the Veneto Region, VeGal, National Observatory of River Contracts, and the European project WaterLands, will discuss this issue.

2:00 p.m. hall entrance

2:30 p.m. start of proceedings


Cristiana Bragato, CdAU of Marano (TBC)
Silvia Buttignoni, CdAU Istria
Maria Chiara Tosi, Maria Giulia Cantaluppi, Marta De Marchi, CdAU, Northern Lagoon of Venice
Laura Mosca, Venetian Coast Contract
Graziano Paulon, CdAU Caorle Lagoon (TBC)


Giancarlo Gusmaroli, environmental governance expert
Cinzia Gozzo, VeGal (TBC)
Margherita Scapin, WaterLands project
Nicolò D’Este, Municipality of Cavallino Treporti (TBC)
