Markus Hedorfer, Alessandro Calzavara, ASSURB

The legislation on the European Taxonomy of Environmentally Sustainable Activities – set forth in Article 17 of Regulation (EU) 2020/852 – identifies criteria for determining how each economic activity contributes substantially to the protection of the ecosystem, without causing “significant harm” (Do No Significant Harm) to the six environmental objectives covered by the same Regulation. The DNSH principle was also placed at the basis of the NRP and the Next Generation EU, the measures put in place by the European Union to stimulate recovery following the Covid-19 pandemic.

This is terminology that has come…


Maria Chiara Tosi, Maria Giulia Cantaluppi, Marta De Marchi, Università Iuav di Venezia

Just over a year after the signing of the North Venice Lagoon Wetland Area Contract, a comparison of active and signed Wetland Area Contracts in the North Adriatic coast is urgently needed to present and coordinate their respective purposes, characteristics and actions. What tools and governance models adopted are working? How to proceed with the implementation of Action Programs and relationships between signatories and Contracts covering the same territory? How to bring out an “ecopolitical science” that takes into account the law of nature by…