Accadìa is a town of about 2,236 inhabitants that lies is located in the vast southern Dauno Subappennines, in the province of Foggia.
In 1930 Accadìa was destroyed by a tremendous earthquake that condemned it to become one of the many “Ghost Villages,” over time gradually forced among the trees of the beautiful neighboring forests that stretch all the way to the Tavoliere.

Rione Fossi has deferred to the new Acadìa the extension to the territory’s directories. Yet, the mysterious Acca Dea and the legend of the Dardans, continue to hover in the patterns concentric patterns of the ancient ruined fabric, around the ruins of the Chiesa Matrice, with the remains of some noble buildings and the Ducal Palace to give valuable historical testimony and, above all, of the prehistoric underground Caves, incorporated into the Borgo.

“Rione Fossi” has been chosen and funded by the Apulia Region – PNRR, as a Pilot Project of urban regeneration of Ancient Villages: musealized in its remains, within a green redesigned, involving the use of building recoverable with revitalizing functions, both towards the Village and towards the vast territory.