The map of the river draft for Urbanpromo is a significant effort of geographic representation of the characteristics of the river itself.

In order to face the theme of the great Italian river has been defined a network of territorial systems which comprehend the different aspects related to the river and interconnected with each other.

The following main systems has been investigated:

  • The physical environmental system: it regards the entire environment of the river under the geo-morphological aspect, together with the recognition of the geographic landscapes crossed by the river;
  • The water system: it concerns the quality of the water, the maintenance of the river with the theme of hydraulic safety and the governance over the water through interventions of maintenance on the riverbed for fruition and re-naturalization, together with the Autorità di Bacino of the Po river, the planning instruments Piani di Bacino and the interregional Agency for the Po river.
  • The historic-artistic and establishment system: it concerns the richness of the heritage present on the river or in its vicinities. In this system are included also the typological aspects of the rural buildings divided in the geographical regional areas.
  • The cultural system: includes the different artistic representations, which has been inspired by the Po river.
  • The natural system: the regional parks present along the river can be imagined as part of a network of parks that comprehend also the protected areas and the nature reserves.