Gianni Biagi, Director of URBIT

The great global pandemic crisis caused by Covid19 has opened, perhaps rather forced to open, a reflection on the theme of how contemporary cities have been designed and built. A reflection that affects the foundations of the disciplines that are interested in cities and building places for human life. The National Institute of Urban Planning has produced a document on the subject and many scholars have reflected on how to reorganize the city, living, urban living.

This seminar aims to offer a first calm reflection on these topics starting from two introductions (two reflections aloud) by those who by profession investigate the nature and history of man and his thought and by those who teach how to transpose them on the territory and in the constructions the needs of contemporary living.

Urbanpromo Green, which since its inception has initiated a comparison with new trends and new materials to build more “human” and “natural” cities, has also invited experts from different sectors and skills to this reflection to allow for a broad and unconventional reflection.


Gianni Biagi, Director of URBIT

Opening reflections:
Sergio Givone, Philosopher

The role of public space as a pre-pandemic resource
Giuseppe De Luca, University of Florence

Adaptive cities for a changing planet. The era of eco-responsibility
Daniele Menichini, Green Hub President

Harmonic Innovation Living – A new model of living for resilient communities
Valerio Barberis, University of Florence

The new declinations of post-Covid 19 living between innovation and rediscovery
Donatella Wallnofer, Architect “Architettura del Benessere”

The role of buildings as a tool for the prevention and promotion of public health
Gaetano Settimo, Istituto Superiore di Sanità

City: set of “places of social condensation”
Massimo Pica Ciamarra, Vice President of “Fondazione Italiana di Bioarchitettura e l’antropizzazione sostenibile dell’ambiente”

Conclusion of the session:
Michele Talia, INU President