The Ghetto of Mezzanone and its recovery as a territorial productive area

We want to reverse in a positive way a situation of territorial degradation, transforming the shantytown and the sadness of a reception centre for migrants, exploited in Capitanata’s agriculture, into a first level agro-food production area.

We transform the abandoned and worst used Mezzanone airport grounds into a territorial promise of relaunch, which connects the large area of Capitanata with the vast territorial resources, especially agricultural resources. We propose an industrial area, which fits into the ASI Industrial Development Plan of the Area, which, although dated, has constituted the prodrome of a great organic network of homogenizing territorial development.

The new…


Proposte di lettura is a reflection container of Urbanpromo Libri in which are presented and discussed some volumes published during 2020, which cross the themes of planning and urban planning dealt with the words of some authors. The container is divided into two sections: “Dialogue” and “Comparison”.

For the “Dialogue” Section the book that will be presented and discussed is:

– Francesca Cognetti, Daniela Gambino, Jacopo Lareno Faccini, Periferie del cambiamento, traiettorie di rigenerazione tra marginalità e innovazione, Quodlibet, Macerata 2020

The book explores the meaning and role of the urban suburbs in the contemporary city,…