Iginio Rossi, Francesco Sbetti, INU-URBIT
in collaboration with FIAB – ComuniCiclabili

Il “Patto per l’urbanistica città accessibili a tutti” (urban planning agreement for cities accessible for all) is the experimentation that INU is developing with the cities of: Ancona, Genoa, Livorno, Mantua, Reggio Emilia, Spello, Taranto and Udine, as part of the 2019-2022 “Accessible cities for all” program (www.atlantecittaccessibili.inu.it).

Through a shared work, the 8 cities intend to: define and apply integrated solutions to improve the quality of life; implement a system of welfare measures, dispositions and services; offer their community competitive advantages related to accessibility and sustainability in alignment with Agenda 2030; go beyond the logic of a single intervention to overcome barriers/inequalities; shape relationships with urban and environmental welfare networks.

The above-mentioned actions of local scope also allow to provide guidelines for a Country strategy concerning: integrated policies for accessibility – inclusion; environment, climate, sociality, economy; planning, programming and regeneration. In particular, the topics of experimentation concern: public spaces, active mobility, sustainability, proximity; settlement dispersion, quality of life, solutions for fragility and fragmentation of coexistence; overcoming relational interruption, sectoriality and separation of knowledge.

The meeting – presenting the first results of the experimentation “Patto per l’urbanistica città accessibili a tutti” (urban planning agreement for cities accessible for all) and deepening some reference experiences of the FIAB – ComuniCiclabili program – will allow to face relations and perspectives between 360° accessibility and active mobility that play fundamental roles in the improvement of sustainability mentioned by the 2030 Agenda.


Francesco Sbetti, INU-URBIT

Alessandro Tursi, FIAB President

“Strategic Plan and PUMS”.
Claudio Centanni, Director of Urban Planning, Municipality of Ancona

“Policies for sustainability and smart technologies”
Iacopo Rebecchi, Councillor for Mobility and New Technologies, Municipality of Mantua

“Pedestrian mobility, PEBA and PUMS”.
Ubaldo Occhinegro, Urban Planning Councillor, Municipality of Taranto

“Genoa for All Project, accessible mobility and city PEBA”.
Bellingeri Cristina, Disability Manager, Municipality of Genoa, and Matteo Parodi, Architectural Barriers Removal Office Technician, Municipality of Genoa

“The PEBA a tool to promote widespread urban accessibility”.
Edi Dalla Betta, Director of Urban Planning, Municipality of Udine

Debate and interaction with chats:
Barbara Chiarelli, University of Trieste

