Curated by Cariplo Foundation, FHS, Compagnia di San Paolo Faoundation, Sviluppo e Crescita CRT Foundation, INU. With the participation of CDP Immobiliare Sgr

The plenary session of the second day of the Social Housing insight is dedicated to the following two guide themes:

  • The efficient and effective use of PNRR (Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan) financial resources and other available public resources
  • The development of digital services to improve the quality of housing.

In this session the two themes are distinct, unlike the first day, and they are discussed by speakers who will form two different panels.

The partnership between the public and third sectors, already present in the first day for the social and urban planning aspects, will be presented again for the financial aspects. The analysis of the available sources of financing, their amount, the sectors of use and how to access them are presented by experts from the relevant central administrations. The organization of the panel of speakers is curated by CDP Immobiliare Sgr.

The second module is dedicated to the experimentation and diffusion of digital services to improve the quality of life in neighborhoods and social housing. There will first be an overview of the phenomenon from a functional and social point of view. Subsequently, some examples of the first results achieved at the level of both housing and neighborhoods will be presented. Existing potentials will also be described.


The PNRR (Italian Recovery and Resilience Plan) and other sources of funding for the effective and efficient use of available public financial resources

First module

Introduces and coordinates:
CDP Immobiliare Sgr

Lecturers in process of definition

The development of digital services to improve the quality of living

Second module

Opening lecture:
“How the spread of digital services is changing and improving housing conditions in social living”
Elio Morino, INU – URBIT


“Mutualism practices and digital solidarity networks for collaborative governance””
Maria Cerreta, University of Naples “Federico II”

“The experience ‘Ioabitosocial’”
Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation
Francesca Bodano, PR.I.S.MA. s.c.r.l.

“Start up community: experiences in presence and on-line in Social Housing projects  in Milan”
Roberta Conditi, Community Engagement, SHF Social Housing Foundation

“OGR Torino: digital technologies related to housing”
Sviluppo e Crescita CRT Foundation
Matteo Pessione, OGR Tech Coordinator

“An APP to empower collaborative and sustainable living: systems integration, technological and social infrastructure, monitoring”
Curated Redo Sgr società benefit, Social Housing Foundation and Planet Smart City
Daniele Russolillo, COO & Deputy CEO di Planet Holding Ltd, UK

Curators and speakers:
