Alessandro Bruni, Iginio Rossi, INU – URBIT

In 2021 INU first experimented with the deal for urbanism “Accessible Cities for All”. The pact must not be understood as a mere negotiation nor even as a technical exercise, but as an inescapable commitment, a political and cultural choice capable of acting positively on: the environment, society, and economy; settlement dispersions, policies, and institutions; inclusion, quality of life, fragile conditions and shattering of coexistence; relational dispersion; sectoriality and distinctness of knowledge.

Albeit fragmented, all these areas/aspects concern all-around accessibility and the networks that constitute its broader articulation. Moreover, since 2016, INU’s Project “Accessible Cities for All” has been putting in place a collaborative space aimed at promoting Guidelines for policies on accessibility for all in line with the UN Agenda 2030.

A program for comparisons on ongoing projects was developed in 8 cities (Ancona, Catania, Genoa, Livorno, Mantova, Reggio Emilia, Spello, and Udine) tackling the themes of accessibility, inclusion, sustainability, and well-being. The joint work covered: strategic planning, policies, plans, and interventions regarding overcoming barriers, reducing inequalities and fragilities; general planning tools but also PEBAs with particular attention to the knowledge of living conditions determined by the pandemic and solutions to equip welfare with adequate services for the everyone’s autonomy; urban projects regarding the redevelopment/social regeneration of neighborhoods that show criticalities and fragility of inhabitants as well as projects referred to active mobility (pedestrianism, cycling) and the inclusion of public spaces and urban green.

Thanks to a comprehensive overlook of the diverse practices that were implemented by the 8 above-mentioned cities, the event will highlight the main results of the first phase of the experimentation, related to local development but with a focus on how to govern fragmentation. Starting from the latter issue, the discussion will move on  trying to identify which solutions may be considered replicable in a broader dimension, such as the national one.

9:00 a.m. hall entrance

9:30 a.m. start of proceedings



Iginio Rossi, INU – URBIT

Motivations and expectations of the “Pact for urban planning accessible cities for all” experiment
Alessandro Bruni, Coordinator Cities Accessible to All, INU – URBIT

“Planning, Welfare Strategies, Vitality”.
Barbara Chiarelli, Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Trieste 

“Planning: the welfare services system”.
Andrea Murari, Town Planning Councillor, Municipality of Mantua
Carlo Peraboni, Politecnico di Milano, Mantua Campus

“Vitality: plans and projects for urban regeneration and inclusion”.
Municipality of Livorno – Speakers to be defined

Manage, interact, participate
Alessandro Bruni, Coordinator Cities Accessible to All, INU – URBIT

“Managing and participating: from PEBA to integrated policies”.
Mario Mascia, Town Planning Councillor, Genoa City Council 
Matteo Parodi, Facility Management Office Accessibility, and Cristina Bellingeri, Disability Manager, Genoa City Council

“Managing and interacting: accessible, inclusive and safe public services and spaces”.
Sergio Parisi, Councillor for Community Policies, Municipality of Catania (TBC)
Fabio Finocchiaro, Head of Community Policies, Municipality of Catania (TBC)

Know, Train, Regenerate
Francesco Alberti, University of Florence

“Knowing and training: Reggio city without barriers and WYP”.
Annalisa Rabitti, Councillor for Culture and Equal Opportunities, Municipality of Reggio Emilia 
Piera Nobili, President CERPA Italy Onlus

“Regenerate: the welcoming, accessible and attractive city”.
Moreno Landrini, Mayor of the Municipality of Spello
Alessandro Bruni, Coordinator Accessible Cities for All, INU – URBIT

Mobility, new technologies, sustainability
Francesco Sbetti, President INU-Editions

“Mobility and Sustainability: Accessibility and Active Mobility, the Key Strategies for Development
Ida Simonella, Councillor for Productive Activities, Port, Strategic Plan, International Relations, Transport, Conerobus, Budget – Municipality of Ancona
Claudio Centanni, Director of Urban Planning, Public Building, Port, Mobility – Municipality of Ancona

“Sustainability and new technologies: the PEBA for living”.
Giulia Manzan, Town Planning Councillor, Municipality of Udine
Erica Gaiatto, Global Project inclusive architecture, designer PEBA City of Udine

Perspectives of the experimentation “Pact for urban planning cities accessible to all”.

“Relationships and networks for urban and environmental well-being”.
Iginio Rossi, Coordinator of Accessible Cities for All, INU – URBIT
