The Technical – Scientific Commitee of Social Housing

The fourth session also consists of two modules. The first aims to raise awareness of the complementarities being established between the lines of action of banking foundations and the funding opportunities opened up by the NRP.
Since their establishment, banking foundations have been one of the driving forces behind the social, cultural and economic development of cities. They move in a context in which there are other institutional actors that have their own resources, or those derived from European funding, as significant as those of the PNRR. Important questions therefore arise: what are the common objectives? what coordination policies can be activated in the coming years by the Foundations in order to operate synergistically and coherently with other institutional actors? what coordination choices are necessary? with what additional resources can urban regeneration policies be implemented?
The second module takes up the theme of indicators for measuring the social and environmental responsibility of investments, which Urbanpromo had explored when it first emerged. Now the knowledge of the social impact of investments, through appropriate representation systems, and the monitoring of their effects, has become a primary requirement for organisations in the public and non-profit sectors. It has become so in general, but particularly so for investments in the production and management of social housing.
In this context, ESG criteria are relevant. They have established themselves because they allow the environmental, social and governance performance of an organisation to be measured through standardised and shared parameters, linking to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

2:00 p.m. hall entrance

2:30 p.m. start of proceedings


First module:
14.30 – 16.30 “Banking Foundations for the social and cultural and economic development of cities. Which integrations with the PNRR resources?”

Introduced and coordinated by:
Stefano Stanghellini, Comitato Tecnico Scientifico Urbanpromo

Speakers Representatives of Foundations of Banking Origin

Giorgio Righetti, Direttore Generale ACRI
Carlo Borgomeo, Presidente Fondazione con il Sud
Enea Cesana, Dirigente Area Attività Istituzionale Fondazione CR Cuneo
Gabriele Gori, Segretario Generale Fondazione CR Firenze
Sergio Urbani, Direttore Generale Fondazione Cariplo 

Second module:
16:30 – 18:30 “Indicators for the social and environmental responsibility of investments

Introduced and coordinated by:
Davide Dal Maso, Partner Avanzi Spa

“Presentation of the First Report on the Social Value of Social Housing Funds – Monitoring the social impact of the integrated fund system”.
Giulia Alberio and Ani Sevinyan, Avanzi Spa

“The CDP Group and its GRESB-certified components”,
Riccardo Rolfini, CDP Immobiliare Sgr Sustainability Representative

“Sustainability from the real estate fund manager’s point of view: the 11 InvestiRE FIA funds and GRESB certification – Global ESG Benchmark for Real Assets”
Sergio Catalano, Head of Sustainability and Asset Management, InvestiRE

“Master plans for sustainable investments: leadership and engagement in defining, negotiating and creating impacts”,
Andrea Vecci, Impact, Sustainability & Communication, REDO Sgr

ESG criteria: the experience of Banca Etica’s socio-environmental assessment.
By Banca Etica and Etica Sgr

“Building impact through housing”.
Liat Rogel, Director, Impact Housing Foundation
