In collaboration with Fondazione Cariplo, FHS, Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione CRT Sviluppo e Crescita and CDP Immobiliare Sgr, the twelfth edition of Urbanpromo Social Housing will flow into Urbanpromo 2022 in Turin from October 11th to the 14th.

Keeping in tune with the evolution of social housing promotion strategies, in recent years the Urbanpromo Social Housing program has shifted away from the analysis of innovations piloted by exemplary projects and moved towards the enhancement of the relationships between these projects and their related urban context. Investments aimed at the creation of social housing deserve therefore to have verifed their ability to insert new inhabitants, services and activities into urban settings that need to be *socially, economically and environmentally revitalized.

The organization of the event is in full swing, with a focus on investigating the forms and methods of urban regeneration models as a fundamental component in social housing. The conferences and seminars will be an opportunity to share stories, experiences, and work methodologies through the participation of attendees from the public, private and non-profitsectors, includingentities directly involved in these processes that interact with communities and are familiar with territorial specificities.

Urbanpromo Social Housing will address complex issues such as urban policies starting from the home, considered a central element of urban regeneration processes, and topics related to sustainable living in a constantly changing society, with attention to issues like energy, services, research, community preservation and territorial regeneration. The agenda will also address leading-edge issues related to technological development and artificial intelligence as new tools to be used in the field.

We invite you to follow all the news of Urbanpromo 2022 through future newsletters and on the constantly updated website.