“A City that aspires to take shape as a Laboratory of territorial innovation that, in the wake of the tradition inaugurated by the Bourbons with the architectural and economic-social utopias, enhances the signs of history and re-proposes and re-launches it in a vision of a System that goes beyond the City, placing it at the centre of a vast area dimension”.

This section of the D.O.S. finds its application in a sphere of intervention that historically identifies the most marginalised areas of the city, for which the physical barrier of the railway line has always marked their destiny.
Rione Acquaviva and…

The service system and new urban welfare needs

The aim of the action is to transpose into the municipal planning instruments elements and themes of reflection developed in different contexts and in particular to test the possibility that they may constitute an explicit reference for the definition of the strategies of the Services Plan, one of the three instruments of which the Piano di Governo del Territorio (Territorial Government Plan) is composed, as provided for by the Lombardy Region regulations.

The objective is the improvement of relations between public administration and citizens; a fundamental necessity to make the city’s development more balanced and enhance the role of public…


Maria Chiara Tosi, Maria Giulia Cantaluppi, Marta De Marchi, Università Iuav di Venezia

Just over a year after the signing of the North Venice Lagoon Wetland Area Contract, a comparison of active and signed Wetland Area Contracts in the North Adriatic coast is urgently needed to present and coordinate their respective purposes, characteristics and actions. What tools and governance models adopted are working? How to proceed with the implementation of Action Programs and relationships between signatories and Contracts covering the same territory? How to bring out an “ecopolitical science” that takes into account the law of nature by…


Alessandro Bruni, Iginio Rossi, INU – URBIT

In 2021 INU first experimented with the deal for urbanism “Accessible Cities for All”. The pact must not be understood as a mere negotiation nor even as a technical exercise, but as an inescapable commitment, a political and cultural choice capable of acting positively on: the environment, society, and economy; settlement dispersions, policies, and institutions; inclusion, quality of life, fragile conditions and shattering of coexistence; relational dispersion; sectoriality and distinctness of knowledge.

Albeit fragmented, all these areas/aspects concern all-around accessibility and the networks that constitute its broader articulation. Moreover, since 2016, INU’s Project…


Curated by

Patrizia Gabellini, Honorary Professor of Urban Planning, Politecnico di Milano

The occasion for a reflection on the practices of participation is provided by the publication of the Fondazione Innovazione Urbana – FIU Visioni e azioni dell’istituzione dedicata alle trasformazioni di Bologna, a book that reports its activities from its creation in 2018 to 2021. The Foundation, which inherited the long previous experience of the Urban Center of Bologna, has set itself ambitious goals of social activation by practicing participation at various scales and experimenting with multiple approaches, in a relationship with Administrations that we could define as side-by-side but with autonomy.
