The aim of the action is to transpose into the municipal planning instruments elements and themes of reflection developed in different contexts and in particular to test the possibility that they may constitute an explicit reference for the definition of the strategies of the Services Plan, one of the three instruments of which the Piano di Governo del Territorio (Territorial Government Plan) is composed, as provided for by the Lombardy Region regulations.

The objective is the improvement of relations between public administration and citizens; a fundamental necessity to make the city’s development more balanced and enhance the role of public space and facilities by contrasting, and preventing, phenomena of degradation, underuse and abandonment.

The transdisciplinary nature is evident; in fact, talking about urban services means focusing attention on a set of issues: poverty and social exclusion, ageing of the population, recognition of phenomena of degradation: themes that are referred to in the “Programmatic lines for the 2020-2025 administrative mandate” approved by the City Council with resolution no. 57 of 29/12/2020.