ATER Umbria and the Municipality of Perugia have also drafted PINQUA PS5G concerning the redevelopment project of the former Palazzetti area in Ponte San Giovanni, based on five synergic actions (subtraction, addition, overlapping, naturification, diversification) aimed at affirming the sustainable vocation of the intervention.

The ATER Umbria and the Region of Umbria drew up the PINQUA ‘Living Umbria’ and ‘Upper Umbria 2030’.

The programmes concerned the infrastructural axis of the Central Umbrian Railway, through the redevelopment of the buildings and spaces connected to the railway, and the inter-municipal territory between the municipalities of Upper Umbria (municipalities of Citerna, Città di Castello, Gubbio, Pietralunga, San Giustino and Umbertite) operating on the redevelopment of existing buildings and public spaces and the provision of new social housing.