New GeNova

The former MiraLanza industrial complex on the edge of the Rivarolo district in Valpolcevera ceased operations in 1999, and since then the vast four-hectare area has not found a functional use. Various town-planning proposals followed one another, which never found concrete implementation, and which envisaged reconverting the complex to residential functions with decidedly large sizes and volumes. The ineffectiveness of these forecasts was due to a misreading of the real vocation of the area, in a barycentric position for the city’s commercial traffic, lapped by the railway and close to the main road links.

In 2020, the municipal administration realised…


The project is the result of a research agreement between ATER Umbria and the DAStU Department of the Politecnico di Milano and envisages the urban and environmental redevelopment of the San Valentino district in Terni. It foresees the enhancement of pedestrian and cycle paths, new planting and public spaces, the replacement of three uninhabited buildings (owned by the municipality but managed by ATER Umbria) and the renovation of other buildings. The part of new construction consists of an in-line body along Via San Lucio on the west side, and a compact body on the east side, both oriented with…

Regenerating Cities and Communities: Integrative Community Services for Social Housing Management

Experience a “leap in scale” of the collaborative system of the Social Housing initiatives towards the urban areas in which the initiatives themselves are located.

The Tuscany Region has promoted, through the Housing Toscano Fund, managed by InvestiRE Sgr and participated among others by the Investmenti per l’Abitare Fund managed by CDP Immobiliare Sgr, the development of supplementary community services that can accelerate the transition from residence to living by bridging the gap between housing and public space through the active participation of the inhabitants in the social and cultural life of our cities.

A first phase of analysis, conducted on…

Metropolitan Network for Knowledge: Greater Bologna

The Metropolitan City of Bologna has selected, among the projects put forward by the Municipalities and Unions of Municipalities, four proposals, characterised by a broad metropolitan relevance and aimed at achieving the strategic objectives outlined in the programming and planning tools that the Città Metropolitana has adopted in recent years, namely: the ecological transition and the fight against climate change; the reduction of inequalities and fragilities; and the enhancement and development of the knowledge and research system.

In order to take full advantage of the great opportunity offered by the PNRR resources and the European, national, regional and local development…


FS Sistemi Urbani

FS Sistemi Urbani is the lead company of the FS Italian Group’s new Urban Hub. Its mission is to enhance the urban regeneration potential of the Group’s real estate assets, including solutions of intermodality and first- and last-mile logistics in city areas.

Environmental, social and economic sustainability together with stakeholder involvement represent two of the main drivers of the projects carried out by the company, which over the years has interfaced with numerous parties operating within the sector and local authorities.

In 2019, FS Sistemi Urbani participated in UrbanPromo “Projects for the Country” edition held in Turin by…


The URBANISTICA Award, now in its fourteenth edition, is awarded to the projects exhibited in the 2020 and 2021 editions of Urbanpromo; the projects awarded in the 2022 edition were chosen from those exhibited in the multimedia gallery and in the exhibition held at the MEET – Digital Culture Center through the online vote expressed by users registered on the Urbanpromo website. From the 2016 edition, the projects are assessed with reference to the following contents, identified by the Director of the magazine to highlight the most important themes of contemporary…


The Technical – Scientific Commitee of Social Housing

The third session is divided into two modules. The first provides an overall picture of the investments being made thanks to the resources of the PNRR and the Community programming: this is the basic information that underlies the individual projects studied in Urbanpromo. The second module will compare the Italian experience to the European one. Following the participation of France and the United Kingdom as guests in previous editions of Urbanpromo, this year will feature representation from Germany. The German housing system, which focuses on rentals, examines social solutions,…