Giulia Lucertini, Iuav University of Venice; Carolina Innella, ENEA; Francesca De Lucia, Giovanni Pineschi, Agenzia per la Coesione Territoriale

Cities represent the privileged place to implement new circular economy models based on the enhancement of materials and assets and on the extension of their life cycle.

Cities with their high population consume large quantities of resources and materials, and among these, construction plays a leading role.

In Italy, the production of construction waste, ie aggregates from the construction and demolition sector, with about 50,000 tons per year is the most relevant type of special non-hazardous waste. Furthermore, this category of waste is among the most impacting also for absorbed energy and CO2 released during the production phase. It therefore becomes extremely important to be able to reuse and recover, without necessarily subcycling, all this material that our cities are full of.
The webinar aims, in the spirit of the objectives and activities of the ICESP platform, to disseminate good circular economy practices, applied to the construction and demolition waste sector and considering the urban segment of the circular economy, present in our area, stimulating
a comparison and an open debate among the participants, who are invited to bring their own experience on the topic dealt with. The webinar also aims to bring out the enabling factors and the limits that the national and local context exerts on the implementation of these practices, and on their transferability and replicability.


The ICESP Platform and the GdL5
Thematic insights to promote the implementation of circular solutions – Construction and Demolition waste
Francesca De Lucia, ACT

The circular supply chain Construction and Demolition: barriers and opportunities identified by the ICESP working group
Francesca Ceruti, ENEA

The experience of the Municipality of Pesaro as a virtuous example of Construction and Demolition waste management
Margherita Finamore, Municipality of Pesaro

The management of construction and demolition waste in Campania: a sustainability assessment
Silvia Iodice, Martina Bosone, Francesca Nocca, Associazione Analisti Ambientali

Circularity and Sustainability: the comparison with international good practices
Serena Giorgi, Monica Lavagna, Polytechnic University of Milan

Panel discussion:
COVID 19 emergency and economic recovery: how to avoid the foreseeable increase in C&D waste?
Giulia Lucertini, Iuav University of Venice

Conclusion of the session