Agreement for the Pré Area. It has been subscribed on the 17th of April 2015. The signatories are: Regione Liguria, Comune di Genova, Prefettura di Genova, Segretariato Regionale del MIBACT per la Liguria, Camera di Commercio di Genova, Confesercenti, ASCOM Confcommercio, CIV “Borgo di Prè” e la Società Consortile “Vivere Santa Brigida”. The Agreement gives a real contribution to the quality of life and the retail requalification of the area through economical incentives and disadvantages to obtain the goal of protecting the urban environment, give value to the historic and artistic heritage, enhance security and quality of life. Many actions has been individuated for the territorial actions and the recovering of structures and functions: Commenda of Pré and Hotel Columbia (University Library) to regenerate the touristic-retail fluxus already existing. Distinctive elements has been the strong relation between the forces of the order through coordinated actions and exchange of informative fluxus.

Agreement area for XX September. It has been subscribed on the 17th of April 2015. The signatories are: Regione Liguria, Comune di Genova, Camera di Commercio di Genova, ASCOM Confcommercio, CIV “XX Settembre”, Real estate Services S.p.A. New dispositions about local urbanism stopped the reopening of several medium retail structures in the main shopping street with a decrease in the quality of the services. The goal of the agreement is the improvement of the quality of life and the retail offer through: 1) synergy between building owners, operators and institutions for common and innovative solutions that are able to give new value to unused structures; 2) orientation of the retail offer on typologies that gives value to the environment, urban and commercial context. Various actions has been individuated together with renovation projects, new urban furnitures, strong synergy with the cultural network and experiences of insertions into the guided tours for cruisers with extraordinary openings of the shops.