CDP Immobiliare srl, society entirely participated by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti S.p.A, is a protagonist of urban regeneration interventions, and acts for the marketing of the property asset, realized through partnership with private investors.
CDP Immobiliare is one of the main operator active in the enhancement of the property asset on all the national territory, through operations of development and transformation.
Some of the buildings introduced in the market, after demanding interventions of restoration and requalification, are located in the most valuable areas of Milano and Torino.

In Milano, the building aggregate of Palazzo Litta unify two important palaces of the XVII century located in the center of the city, between Corso Magenta and Foro Bonaparte.
The buildings, the Brentano and the Bonaparte, have been totally restored with really accurate works in agreement with the Direzione Regionale of the Ministero per i Beni Culturali e Pesaggistici of Lombardia Region. Mosaiques and other roman founds of the I and II century AD have been discovered, but also fresco paintings and decorations still visible inside the housing units.
The housing units are facing courtyards and private gardens, enhancing their own quality and exclusivity.

Also in Milano is located the realization of the project “Manifattura Milano”, constituted by housing units located in the scenario of the ex-Manifattura Tabacchi.

In Torino, inside the Parco Dora, CDP Immobiliare realized “le Case nel Parco”, a modern residential complex composed by a 13-storeys tower and a building with courtyard inside the green. The intervention contributed to the urban regeneration of the transformation area called “Spina 3”.