The Municipality of Genova started time ago, with the Organisation of Cathegories, a reflexion about the management of the structures of the market, that from years are in need of extraordinary maintenance considering the necessities of:

  • containing the limit of debts, but ensuring the extraordinary maintenance
  • maintain for the markets the role of public service for the district, defending the societies acting there

Because of the Regional Law 1/2007 and of the Decree Law 163/2006, the Municipality in 2009 deliberated 4 kind of management:

  1. Direct management of the Municipality that will ensure the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance
  2. Mixed Management (today 2), with concession of the public service to a constituted Consortium (50% + 1 of the societies) that will be responsible for the maintenance. The Municipality will keep the title of the management and the collection of the fees and will a quota to the Consortium (20% in 2009 and 50% from 2014) for the maintenance (authorized) to be take in account.
  3. Self-management and improvement with deduction of the fees: the Consortium (with a participation of the societies for the 90%) is concessionary of a public service (the area will remain property of the Municipality) replacing the Municipality in the relation with the operators and collecting the fees decided on purpose.
  4. self-management with constitution of surface’s right for 50 years to a Consortium (with at least 90% of the operators); to the operators that are not part of the Consortium the Municipality propose the transfer in another market; if they will refuse the Municipality will lift the concession, in exchange of a fee to be paid by the Consortium (the amount can be up to 18 months of the rate).

The management has a private nature maintaining the destination of use and the activities are neighbourhood practices; all the expenses for improvements will be paid by the Consortium. The Mercato della Foce is under experimentation.