Progetto Manifattura – Green Innovation Factory is an initiative promoted by the autonomous Province of Trento to transform the historical Manifattura Tabacchi of Rovereto – inaugurated in 1864 – in a center for industrial innovation in the field of sustainable construction, renewable energy, technologies for the environment and management of the natural resources.

The nine hectares of the site are destined to held, with a covered surface of about 70.000 sqm, a cluster composed by startup, societies, research centers, education structures investitors and network of consultants, with the aim of stimulating the collaboration between those subjects, and to create a point of reference in the sector of clean technologies, both on the national and European level.

The project is articulated into different phases. The first one – completed in 2012 – was focused on the new societies, even if not only about that. A first temporary arrangement of some historical buildings permit the recovery of about 7.000 sqm, more or less totally for new societies. In this area, the path for new-investors is designed to help the transformation of a good idea into a solid structure. In the 48 months of activity that followed the inauguration of the first operative spaces, 60 startup proposals has been submitted (selected by a total number of double of requests). About 20 of those proposals went successfully through the incubation period, while other 20 are still in the starting period. In the last 12 months other big operative societies that acts in the field of renewable energies started to work in the Progetto Manifattura, with a grow the number of employees up to 200 units, inside the first cleanteach incubator in Italy.

Because of the restoration of more productive spaces, actually under contract, the project will give more space in a progressive way to the phases of grown and consolidation, conserving the function of first incubator in an area with not more than the 20% of the entire surface dedicated to the startups.