The action implemented through a Public Private Partnership reaches an overall amount of 7 Miln Euros of which 1,7 generated through a regional ERDF contribution dedicated to touristic development.  The return ratio on each invested euro has a multiplier effect of 100 times in terms of tourism and local employment impact.

Arena has the ambition to become a gateway, welcoming all tourists coming from the wider local Area thus becoming part of the regional promotional and marketing strategy, qualifying Reggio as hub of the Music Valley. A European unique space for performances, shaped upon the existing key assets in the music, sound engineering, creative industries fields, Arena will boost existing economy and facilitate the birth of new companies, linking tourism to the creation of a new, sustainable knowledge ecosystem.

The action foresees the re use of the non-operational area of the airport, re qualified through new functions, avoiding soil consumption, valuing the existing belt of urban parks through the creation of  a new cycling ring of 5,2km  and the plating of 1800 new trees.

An equipped boulevard will welcome the visitors into the Arena, facilitating the organization and the management of the facilities.  The central part of the infrastructure will be shaped as a piazza (“square”) allowing to enter into the entertainment Arena being this an accessible space, defined through a hilly slope created through earth movement, reaching a max. height of 5m.  The operation is studied in order to allow flexibility in hosting  different types of concerts  and events ranging from the presence of 10.000 up to 100.000 people.

The project foresees the reduction and elimination of the possible most relevant local impacts, considering both the acoustic and mobility effects. CO2 emissions connected to each single event will thus be reduced and anyhow compensated allowing a zero-emission balance.