The strategy is about two specific suburban precincts, which include historical centres and contemporary public districts; those subject shows important issues of marginality and social discomfort, together with specifical identity traits, related with the rural environment and the archaeological heritage.

The strategy, built through an important participative process, predicts a series of integrated small interventions, structured around some “regenerative rings”, along which the goal is to rebuild spatial, environmental and social relationships in between the different part of the precinct (historical centres and modern districts). Another goal is to regenerate the connections between the focal points of the public transportation network, improving the connections to the centre of Bari and enhancing the quality of the landscape at the same time. Along those Rings, some new centralities are expected to happen, thanks to the renovation of some abandoned or under-used buildings, in which it is possible to experiment with new forms of co-housing, initiatives of social agriculture, works for terrain defence and landscape quality enhancement.