The art of living the spaces, rediscovering aggregation and the beautifulness of places always more attractive. An urban transformation that looks at the urban marketing, to a smart and sustainable city, able to invest on social housing. This is the synthesis of the Policies employed in Cosenza thanks to specific projects enclosed in the general idea of a city to be left for future generations, in a better shape than yesterday. The most interesting challenge regards the historic part of the city, it has to be preserved in its original traits and features but also to be revitalised and given back to a contemporary vitality. In the confluence between the rivers Crati and Busento, the creeks have been regenerated and a sculpture of “King Aelric on horseback” has been put in place: it is a visual summoning of history in order to attract touristic interests. From the top, the majestic Bridge of Calatrava, that connect the centre of the city with the suburbs, can be seen. More on the South, the uniqueness of the BoCs Art, ateliers crossed by artists of the all world that here come, contaminate and leave creations inspired by a trip called Cosenza.